Another Broken Heart
By the time, we can afford pain more and more than how much we thought we could deal. It is life.
Di tengah rasa lelah dan jenuh, saya mengambil keputusan gegabah. Saya tahu mungkin saya salah. Saya memutuskan hubungan sepihak melalui pesan WhatsApp. Saya begitu amat kesepian dan butuh dukungan, kala itu (dan hingga saat menuliskan ini). Dan di tengah ketidakhadirannya, saya bukan meminta, tapi justru memutuskannya. Pikir saya, meminta pun akan sama saja, karena yang lalu pernah terjadi. Tapi kemudian saya sadari, hati saya amat sakit. I really wanted him back, asked me what happened, asked me my situation, but he agreed.
It's been bothering me so. I asked him, how was his feeling, wished he said something nice to me, to make me back, but no, he didn't. So, i asked him back. I begged, but he said sorry. All the night i played a song he sang for me "wish you were here" by Pink Floyd, and it give me more and more pain.
I don't know what i'm feeling right now. I thought, it would be better if we broke up, so i could be free talking to other guys who has been paying attention to me when he was not, and i ignored long time ago. But, no, i can not do that. All i wanted to be by my side was my boyfriend, who's now my ex. My friend offered me help, to accompany me, but no, i know, all i wanted was my boyfriend.
It keep haunting me, our memories, when he phoned me at night, singing me some songs, but i keep protested, and he got mad. I did apologize. It keep haunting me, the memories we sat near the lake infront of my office, at night, we talked about many things, we planned one or more years to come, to get things more serious. I hold his hand, his big hand, and i leaned on his shoulder, i wished that time would just stop or went slow. But, the security came to us, asked us to leave the place because that was already night, at 10 P.M. It keep haunting me, our promises to be more intense at communicating our feeling. I was and am bad at that, he forced me, because we dreamed a warm family, in which we can talk about anything, show our love, and never shy about it. I wished, maybe still.
So, after last broken heart moment last year, i experinced once more, and dont know what's coming ahead. Sometimes, i thought i can never afford anymore feeling like this. Sometimes, i thought, it would be better if i continue life without loving anyone, anymore. But, God, what should i do, now? Do i deserve love? I've been questioning it to my self, frequently.
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